Form - Elements
Color Options
Our very own image-less pure CSS and retina compatible check box. These check boxes are customized and aviable in all boostrap color classes
Shape Options
Bored with traditional boxed shape check boxes? Here is a circle one simply add the class .checkbox-circle
to change it
State Options
These act the same way as normal HTML check boxes. Here are some states that
Color Options
Pure CSS radio button with a cool animation. These are available in all primary colors in bootstrap
State Options
Use of different color opacity helps to destigues between different states such as disable
Slide Toggle
A cool iOS7 slide toggle. These are cutomize for all boostrap colors
Simple Date Picker
Date picker is powered by boostrap date picker, this is customized in way that it suites our theme and design, Have a look!
Here is an attached calender in case you want to see how it looks like, this is only used for a demo purpose
Advance Settings
Some advance setting that you can do with this calender, like to start from years an disable sections of dates
Color Picker
Hardly used but we included it too, You can pick a color and return it to any element you want
Change background color
Input Masks
These assure the user will never enter invalid phone no, email or anything that has a pattern even without validations
Input autonumeric
Do you forget small things? here is something that helps to automatically placed forgotten dollar signs, decimal places and even comma separates and many more!